Bookable Resource Location Override

od: Warp Technologies Ltd

Field Service Add-On allowing users to specify customised start/end locations for Bookable Resources

Out-of-the-box Bookable Resources in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service can only be set to one of two geographical start and end locations: 'Resource Address' or 'Organisational Unit Address'. The Bookable Resource Location Override add-on allows users to specify customised start and end locations for their resources, on specific dates, as required.

When a Bookable Resource Location Override (BRLO) record is created the system will automatically generate Bookable Resource Bookings (BRBs) for the associated resource to override their location on the designated date. These BRBs are shown on the Schedule Board alongside normal bookings ensuring that BRLOs are considered when a user is manually making a booking. In addition, these bookings are considered by the Schedule Assistant when searching for suitable Bookable Resources, this means travel times are calculated from the BRLO location, not the resource’s default start location.

Key Features

Creating a Resource Location Override record allows a user to:

• Apply a location override for a specific Bookable Resource on a specific date.

• Choose between overriding the start, end, day (start and end), or overnight (end and start of the next day) for the Bookable Resource.

• Use a location already in the system, such as a Functional Location or an Account. If the location doesn't exist, geocode an address or enter a latitude and longitude.

• Add notes to the record to store information regarding the override, building an audit trail.

• Fully supported by the Schedule Board, Schedule Assistant, and Quick Book features in Dynamics 365 Field Service

• Licenses are only required for users who will interact directly with Bookable Resource Location Override records.

Support Additional Business Processes

Bookable Resource Location Override extends Dynamics Field Service and supports business processes such as:

• Resources starting from different locations on different days, e.g., working out of different offices or warehouses.

• Resources staying in the field overnight, e.g., hotel stays.

• Resources covering different areas on different days, e.g., operating a territory model.

• Resources with different start and end locations, e.g., start the day from the 'Resource Address' finish at the warehouse.

Prerequisites and Constraints

• Dynamics 365 Field Service Instance.

• A user license for Dynamics 365 Field Service.

• Application and support are currently only available in English language.

• To support the Schedule Assistant and other Field Service features, Bookable Resource Bookings are created 1 minute into the Bookable Resources Work Hours, reducing their capacity by 1 to 2 minutes per day.

• If there is a change to the Work Hours of a Bookable Resource on a date affected by a BRLO, the existing BRB will not be changed. Should the BRB need to change, this can either be achieved by making a change to the BRLO record, or by deleting and recreating it.

Should you require any support setting up this product, or any other assistance with Dynamics 365 we're always happy to help. You can contact us by emailing

Warp also provide consultancy and implementation services for Dynamics 365 and the wider Power Platform. If you have a project you need assistance with please contact our team via email at

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