Advanced page headers


The advanced page headers web part allow you to create headers with more creativity

The advanced page headers is a page web part allow you to get rid of the standard SharePoint page headers and create you own headers with more creativity.

The current version of the advanced headers propose 6 way to make your headers with many customizations that allow you to get nicer and more corporate headers in your pages. The 6 headers approaches are :

  • Title only header with one text
  • Title with call to action with a button allowing you to redirect user to any place you want
  • Title with author, allowing you to highlight any user that created the content of the page
  • Title and subtitle, to display 2 different texts in your header
  • Title, subtitle with call to action, to display 2 different texts with a button
  • Call to action only

You can use the web part Advanced header in any normal section or full width section.

This component is require a licence to work, but you can test it for free during the 15 days after the first installation.

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