Red Marker EMEA

od: Red Marker

(4 hodnotenia)

Get real-time Brand and Legal reviews for any uploaded document, with targeted feedback.

AI-powered Brand, Legal and Compliance review within Word!

You can be confident all your marketing content is on-brand and compliant with Red Marker’s automated detection of non-compliant wording and branding errors.

Access Red Marker easily through the Word Add-in side panel

  • Review your draft marketing content in Word and get instant feedback on what changes to make
  • Share reviews with colleagues or approvers so you can get feedback and approvals early in the process
  • Personalise risk detection to your focus areas - Legal/Compliance, Brand or Product

Designed for Marketing & Legal Professionals

Red Marker gives marketing and legal teams the power to control compliance outcomes.

We work with you to define custom logic to meet your specific requirements:

  • Ensure disclosures and disclaimers are 100% correct
  • Adhere to industry-specific requirements like FCA regulations
  • Maintain brand consistency with correct logos, fonts and styling
  • Built for the enterprise.

    Red Marker keeps your data secure with enterprise-grade security, SSO and ISO 27001 compliance. Plus Red Marker can integrate with your marketing workflow tool giving you seamless end-to-end control.


    Windows 10


    Microsoft 365 online and desktop

    Office 2013 and later

    Note: license fees apply to use this Add-in

Možnosti aplikácie

Keď sa táto aplikácia používa,
  • Môže čítať váš dokument a vykonávať v ňom zmeny
  • Môže odosielať údaje cez internet

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