NetZoom Stencils

od: NetZoom, Inc.

(14 hodnotenia)

Create professional quality Data Center solutions, Rack elevations, network and equipment proposals

Create professional quality Data Center presentations, Rack elevations, network and equipment proposals

NetZoom Stencils is the presentation solution for Data Center professionals powered by the NetZoom Device Library. Create great looking presentations in a fraction of the time with manufacturer-specific device shapes using the NetZoom Stencils.

Use NetZoom Stencils in Microsoft PowerPoint (Windows and Web) to:

  • Easily generate presentations showing your current installation
  • Insert complex diagrams like configuration diagrams, power trace or network trace
  • Create professional quality presentations of rack elevations and data center solutions
  • Collaborate to present a solution to a technical challenge

Key Features:

  • Access device models from over 5000 popular hardware manufacturers
  • Over 400,000 Front and Rear views of devices used in data centers
  • Search by Manufacturer or Keyword
  • Preview devices and properties before use

Unleash the Visualization power of NetZoom DCIM within Office applications by using NetZoom Stencils.

Možnosti aplikácie

Keď sa táto aplikácia používa,
  • Môže čítať váš dokument a vykonávať v ňom zmeny
  • Môže odosielať údaje cez internet

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