Uniphore Copilot

od: Uniphore Technologies Inc.

“Uniphore Copilot" is Uniphore’s answer to virtual sales challenges.

Uniphore Copilot Overview

Uniphore Copilot works in conjunction with our “Q for Sales" product to solve virtual sales challenges. It provides insights into sellers’ conversational techniques and correlates customer sentiment and engagement to sales deal performance. As a result, sales reps can:

Engage customers more effectively

Improve customer reps' sales efficacy

Drive revenue growth with objective EQ factors and insights

"Q for Sales" product has two main functional components:

Uniphore Copilot: This allows salespeople to conduct their virtual sales meetings with the assistance of the “Uniphore Copilot" Microsoft Teams Application.

Post-meeting Analysis: This allows salespeople and revenue operation managers to gain insights into sales meetings and their impact on sales deals.

In order to use this app. Users must have an active Q for sales accounts,

please contact our support team for more details.

Možnosti aplikácie

Keď sa táto aplikácia používa,
  • Môže odosielať údaje cez internet
  • Táto aplikácia môže získať prístup k osobným informáciám v aktívnej správe, ako sú napríklad telefónne čísla, poštové adresy alebo URL adresy. Táto aplikácia môže odoslať tieto údaje službe tretej strany. Ostatné položky vo vašej poštovej schránke sa nedajú čítať ani upravovať.

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