Arvig Calling Connector

od: Arvig Enterprises, Inc.

(1 hodnotenia)

Make calls using your phone services from Arvig Enterprises

You can now access your phone services from Arvig Enterprises without leaving Microsoft Teams. The Arvig Calling Connector app allows you to:\n\n* Make internal calls to your colleagues, directly from your chats in Microsoft Teams.\n* Make calls to participants in Microsoft Teams channels, to any of their registered phone numbers.\n* Dial any phone numbers, from the Arvig Calling Connector app tab.\n* And you can also view call history and contact information in the Arvig Calling Connector app tab.\n\nIn order to use the Arvig Calling Connector app, your organization must have provisioned you with phone services from Arvig Enterprises.\nIf you do not have a desk phone provisioned to your account you can download the MaX UC desktop or mobile application for Windows/Mac/iOS/Android.\nTo get the most out of the Arvig Calling Connector app, members of your organization should have contact phone numbers stored in Azure Active Directory.\n\nTo get started with Arvig Enterprises\u0027 services or to contact our team, click [here]( Only available in North America.

Možnosti aplikácie

Keď sa táto aplikácia používa,
  • Môže odosielať údaje cez internet
  • Táto aplikácia môže získať prístup k osobným informáciám v aktívnej správe, ako sú napríklad telefónne čísla, poštové adresy alebo URL adresy. Táto aplikácia môže odoslať tieto údaje službe tretej strany. Ostatné položky vo vašej poštovej schránke sa nedajú čítať ani upravovať.

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