Sync Sheet

od: Tabgraf

(3 hodnotenia)

Sync Microsoft Excel with Google Spreadsheet.

SyncSheet is a tool  which essentially syncs data from MS Excel to Google Spreadsheet and vice-versa.  Sync cell values, background colors, font colors, cell formulas, font size and many more.

  • Cell values and formulas

    Sync your Excel cell values and cell formulas with Google Spreadsheet cells

  • Cell colors

    Sync cell background colors along with the font color with corresponding cells of Google Spreadsheet

  • Cell fonts

    Sync font size, font colors, font weight, font line, font style and font family

  • Text alignments

    Sync both vertical and horizontal cell alignments

  • Height and width

    Sync row-height and column-width of the cell

  • Cell comments and number format

    Sync the comments and number format from excel cell with Spreadsheet cell


  • Push

    Push data will push the data from Microsoft Excel sheet to Google Spreadsheet

  • Pull

    Pull data will pull the data from Google Spreadsheet to Microsoft Excel sheet

Možnosti aplikácie

Keď sa táto aplikácia používa,
  • Môže čítať váš dokument a vykonávať v ňom zmeny
  • Môže odosielať údaje cez internet

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