Automated Industry Data Model - Manufacturing

od: Celebal Technologies Private Limited

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Operationalize new business insights and capabilities to improve process and supply efficiency.

Industry Data Models

An industry data model is a set of business and technical data models that are predesigned to meet the needs of a particular industry. It acts as a blueprint that provides common elements derived from best practices, government regulations and the complex data and analytic needs of an industry-specific organization.

Unprecedented changes in manufacturing are taking place. Data and analytics are driving the fourth industrial revolution in real-time, dramatically altering industrial processes. Manufacturing analytics are setting a precedent. Manufacturers are increasingly dealing with intense downward pressure on margins, the changing nature of demand, and a radically shifting competitive landscape. Insight driven manufacturers differentiate and deliver high impact business outcomes to drive growth and innovation through mission critical manufacturing analytics by:

  • Optimizing asset uptime with predictive analytics that increase throughput, speed to market and manufacturability.
  • Boosting production quality and underpinning continuous improvement to achieve zero accident/zero defect manufacturing.
  • Utilizing insights from all data sources to grow revenues, reduce costs and achieve rapid returns on investment.
  • Improving process and supply efficiency with adaptive automation to create new business models that help stabilize yield, manage uncertainty and reduce risk

Through advanced analytic capabilities, manufacturers can optimize process efficiencies with adaptive automation to stabilize yield, optimize manufacturing analytics, manage uncertainty and reduce risk.

We work with the world’s largest manufacturers to create and operationalize new business insights and capabilities to address some of the most strategic issues facing the manufacturing sector.

Increase revenue, boost yields and maximize assets in the face of growing competition.

The right foundation empowers future operating models.

In this fast-changing environment, a delay in gaining insights can adversely affect business growth for your enterprise. Only 31% of organizations are adept at extracting valuable insights from their data to take informed decisions at the right time.

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