
od: Product-Live

A collaborative platform for catalog management

This application is available in French

Why use Product-Live?

Our clients tackle product data challenges thanks to Product-Live

Product-Live customers measurably achieve :

  • Shorter time to market
  • Cheaper listing cost
  • Better product data quality

What is Product-Live?

Product-Live is a Saas platform used by retailers to collect product data from their suppliers in the exact format of their existing information system.

They take advantage of Product-Live to accelerate, simplify and digitize their process for pre-listing, listing and marketing of products.

Main Benefits

Connect your existing tools -> Collect supplier’s product data in your own format

  • Collect product-Data directly in your own format
  • Keep your existing tools
  • Preserve product data ownership

Consolidate Product Data -> Efficiently manage your product catalog

  • Retrieveproductdata directlyfromyoursuppliers
  • Secure and enrichyourproductinformation
  • Find and quickly correct missing or invalid product data

Publish up to date data -> Product-Live is a hub for your product-data

  • Export product data in any format
  • Facilitate information traceability
  • Allow product data updates from your suppliers


This application is available in French

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