TTEC Digital Solution for Customer Insights for Financial Services: 4-Wk Workshop

TTEC Digital

Create a complete view of your members using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights. At TTEC Digital, we build better customer experiences with Microsoft AI and machine learning.

Gather your data with ease

Demographic, transactional, financial, and more data about your customers can be retrieved and stored securely in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights platform. TTEC Digital draws on its industry expertise to assess your data sets, identify the top priority sources that make the most impact, and include additional third-party data sets for enrichment of Credit Union member profiles. Frequently used sources include: CRM systems, Account processing platforms, Lending systems, databases, and custom-built applications.

Credit Union Household Insights

Exclusively within this offering, TTEC Digital offers Household reporting. We will validate and normalize addresses to provide clear and consistent households across your datasets, then connect Power BI to the Customer Insights instance and provide a dashboard. This dashboard gives a look into the aggregate stats of your members’ households, not just the individuals, to help you identify where your biggest opportunities for growth exist.

Create a better Customer Experience

To better understand customer motivations, we build segments using any available dimensions of the 360° profile. Our Data & AI team then provides a brief road-map for using machine learning and AI-powered insights to offer relevant services, engage your members better, and create a lasting relationship with them.

Services Provided:

  • Initial configuration of Sandbox and Production environment
  • Connectivity to up to 3 data sources, natively through Customer Insights where available
  • Unify (Map, Match, Merge) data sources into Customer 360 profiles
  • Member segments created relevant to your Credit Union’s objectives
  • Address normalization and validation using external enrichment sources, added to your customer profiles
  • Power BI dashboard of member household insights
  • Measures & Customer Attributes established for your Customer Profiles
  • Recommendation report on next steps for additional value

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