Seat Reservation - 2 day Implementation


Back to the office in safety - Reserve seats in your offices with reduced capacity.

Employee app Reservation via web and mobile

After an employee selects an in-office date and an office, linked areas and occupancy rates are displayed. The employee then selects an area with free spaces and views the floorplan of that area.

Seamless integration with Office365

Created with Microsoft Power Apps, the app integrates with O365 and Active Directory. Only employees registered in AD are able to log in, with profile data fetched from O365. Master data is stored in SharePoint lists.

Admin app Activate individuals or groups

Assign letters of the alphabet to specific dates and activate individuals and groups accordingly.

Follow-up on activations

Easily check who (individuals and groups) was activated when.


Overviews of seat reservations vs. capacity by office (bar graphs) and seat reservations for the next 2 weeks by office (linear graphs).

Define seats on floor plans Configure SharePoint master data by creating records for offices, areas, desks and seats. A seat is mapped to the floor plan using X and Y coordinates.

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