HR Support Chatbot: 3-Wk Proof of Concept.


Chatbot answers FAQ, helps employees to get neccessary paper or scanned copies, get money compensations, etc.

This is a Teams Custom Solution that includes HR Support Chatbot intended to help companies to get newcomers onboarded smoothly and make worklife of all employees much easier. The Chatbot in its "proof of concept" version can answer frequently asked questions leveraging powerful Azure Cognitives Services (QnA Maker) to find the most relevant articles in knowledge base.

If didn't get enough information, the employee may also ask Chatbot to get personal consultation from HR staff member. The Chatbot posts the user's request for help to appropriate HR Team and channel in Microsoft Teams. HR Support assistants process the incoming posts and reply and the Chatbot delivers the reply to the initiator of the request.

In the "full-service" implementation of the HR Support Chatbot solution emlployees will also be able to use Chatbot to:

  • Make requests to adminstrative and HR staff to get paper or scanned copies of the documents (certificates, statements, etc.)
  • Make requests to accounting personnel to get money compensation for sport or social activities from company.

HR staff will also be able to use Chatbot to forward employee's request to organization's Service Desk.

The full-services implementation may take longer than 3 weeks in some cases and may require some additional funding from client as it presumes filling of the QnA knowledge base with customer’s content by vendor and may need integration with client's internal systems implemented (please see attached pdf presentation for details).

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