Grants Manager Plus: 1-Day Assessment

Information Strategies

Evaluate the Grants Manager solution that simplifies the grants process from initial solicitation through review, scoring, award, payment processing and post award reporting.

The Grants Manager Plus solution accelerator is an all-in-one, integrated solution that simplifies the grants process for grantors from initial solicitation through review, scoring, award, payment processing and post award reporting.

The one-day assessment takes you through an evaluation matrix to determine how the solution fits your grant programs. Our grant consultants provide you with access to Grants Manager Plus including sample grant program data, grant applications, and post-award reports.

We show you how to create funding sources, grant programs, evaluation criteria, reporting requirements, payment request processing, and grant closeout procedures.

The assessment includes evaluation of a grantee portal for applicants to register, apply for grants online, submit file attachments, view status of applications, and submit post-award reports.

The InfoStrat consultant will share security qualifications for the Microsoft Government Cloud to show how they fulfill requirements for government grantor agencies.

You will learn how Grants Manager Plus uses Dynamics 365, SharePoint, Office 365, Power BI, and other integrated products to support your grantmaking activities.

InfoStrat will recommend best practices for mapping your grant programs to Grants Manager Plus. You will receive a written deliverable which includes the following:

  • Completed requirements matrix
  • Recommended grant program settings
  • Sample end user training materials

The assessment will normally be conducted remotely via screen sharing and teleconferencing.

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