Ensure that only authorized individuals can access and use the information. This can be especially useful for sensitive or confidential information that needs to be protected from unauthorized access
By implementing Information Rights Management (IRM) for email protection, this service significantly enhances the overall effectiveness of using Microsoft 365. It ensures that sensitive and confidential information remains secure, complies with regulations, and allows organizations to confidently collaborate and communicate with external parties while preventing unauthorized access or sharing. This, in turn, fosters a more secure and compliant digital environment, enabling seamless business operations.
Information Rights Management (IRM) is a technology that allows the creator of a document or email to control who can access, modify, and share the content. IRM protection can be necessary when the content of the email is sensitive, confidential, or subject to regulatory compliance, and needs to be protected from unauthorized access or sharing. Here are some scenarios when applying IRM protection to an email may be necessary:
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