Customer Experience: 2 day workshop

Prodware Group

Customer Journey Mapping workshop designed to improve and shape your customer experience initiatives in-line with modern expectations.

2-day Customer Experience (CX) workshop

Keeping up with the modern customer is sometimes not easy, in the world of digital transformation, expectations shift constantly, which means it can be hard to remain relevant and competitive. Innovations such as omni-channel, ChatBots, customer journey mapping, integrate with CRM and CDP apps (such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing, Customer Service, Customer Insights, Customer Voice, Sales, and Field Service) to support Customer Experience best practice. For example, with Dynamics 365 Marketing we help you develop personalized multi-channel journeys that deliver the right message at the right time in the right channel.

With a step-by-step approach, our CX experts guide you to create the optimal customer experience. A key part of your CX journey is a strategic workshop, lasting two days. 2 consultants will provide additional 3 days in preparation and documentation, with a total of 5 days' consulting engagement (10 man-days). The workshop can be conducted onsite or virtually using Microsoft Teams.

Workshop Agenda

Day One

  • Introduction to Customer Experience approach
  • Customer Journey Mapping methodology
  • Brand values definition
  • Define Do's and Don'ts
  • Identifying Personas

Day Two

  • Selecting the right Journey Map
  • Customer Journey Mapping (current state): stages, actions, touchpoints, feelings, opportunities
  • Actions
  • Summary
  • Deliverables

    From the workshop - a comprehensive view of the customer experience program: brand values, personas, a comprehensive customer journey map and a list of action items that can be transformed into an implementation plan.

    Next steps

    We help move you toward your "future state" ambitions harnessing digital transformation to support customer-centric strategies.
    Price is estimated - each consulting engagement is needs-based.

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