Power BI with Support: 8-Day Workshop


Increase knowledge by exploiting your data. With the workshop of 8 days of training and 8 hours of support, you will gain self-sufficiency in connection, transformation and sharing by creating ad-hoc

With this 8-day Power BI workshop and a plus of 8 hours of support Prodware (Microsoft Partner with multi-sector analytics projects) provides you with theoretical content and a practical demonstration, to enable you in the main features of PBI, with extra advice on good practice on the platform.

In this training you will learn to connect multiple data sources, generate relational models, simplify complex calculations, as well as create dashboards with interactive, real-time visualizations or share information with your teams, online and collaboratively. Prodware will give you the keys on the type of licenses, associated services and how to expand the potential PBI through extensions and customizations of Power Platform and the Azure environment.

#Sign up to improve the decision-making process thanks to the power of BI and learn everything you need to know to create dashboards that help you identify inefficiencies within your organization. #Learn to manage the transformations and updates of your data in an orderly and optimal way. Keep your data clean. #Connect your teams to the results from anywhere and from multiple devices. It enhances the autonomy of end users and exploits the query capabilities via AI and natural language.

During the sessions we will provide documentation with the main theoretical concepts, practical exercises and data sets to practice alongside the instructor. After the completion of the workshops, Prodware will provide the attendees with an 8-hour support, for specific questions, by a consultant. Our trainers are senior profiles with extensive experience on the Business Consulting platform and advice. Trainings can be in Spanish or English.

Workshop agenda (more information in attached document): Day 1 Introduction Day 2 Data Day 3 Power Query session A Day 4 Power Query session B Day 5 Data modeling Day 6 Power Pivot / DAX and calculated measures Day 7 Visualization &Creating Panels A Day 8 Visualization &Creating Panels B

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