Microsoft 365 Value Calculator 1 Day Assessment

SyCom Technologies

Microsoft 365 Assessment- Free (1) Day Remote Assessment and Analysis to review existing licensing and advise on areas to improve costs and efficiency.

The Microsoft 365 portfolio continues to grow with more and more solutions to meet customer's everchanging needs. It also makes it harder to navigate the growing licensing options available to you. Let SyCom provide a certified Adoption Specialist to perform a free (1) day assessment to help you analyze your current licensing position and help you determine how best to derive value for your licensing dollar. As part of this engagement, the Adoption Specialist will provide a license analysis, review what products your organization are currently entitle to as well as what applications they would be eligible for with stepping up in licensing. A true ROI analysis will be provided at the end of the engagement based on your costs provided by your team. SyCom has worked with dozens of customers saving them thousands of dollars by helping them understand where they are, what features they aren't currently taking advantage of, and where they may be paying for overlapping services.

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