Advanced Account Schedules
Supercharge account schedules with values from any module. Build KPIs directly in account schedules.
Are you feeling restricted by the out-of-the-box account schedules in Dynamics 365 Business Central?
Often, users feel limited by the out-of-the-box account schedules in Dynamics 365 Business Central due to the lack of non-G/L values. This can make it challenging to get AR, AP, inventory and even jobs or warehousing numbers into financial reporting. Thankfully, the Advanced Account Schedules application is here to help!
Take your Dynamics 365 Business Central reporting to the next level with the Advanced Account Schedules App
Without being able to pull non-G/L data, you may be missing out on useful insights that can be found in your raw data in Dynamics 365 Business Central. The Advance Account Schedules App allows you to access data from anywhere in Business Central so you can create meaningful reports without having to navigate various data sources. Advanced Account Schedules enables you to:
- Access data from anywhere in Dynamics 365 Business Central, even outside the G/L
- Generate meaningful reports for Excel or PowerBI without extracting data from multiple sources
- Access draft data enabling you to easily use quotes, orders and data from journals in your reporting
- Calculate sums or choose single values and count records in a dataset
- Seamlessly integrate with existing Dynamics 365 Business Central account schedules functionality
How it Works
Advanced Account Schedules allows you to define an Indicator which has a Method, table and filters:
- Lookup – Find any single value
- Sum – Sum of all records within a filter of records
- Count – Count all records within a filter of records
- Min and Max – The border values within a filter of records
- Average – Calculate the mean value of all records in a filter
- Custom – Allow a developer to create custom indicators
Examples of Indicators that can be created:
- Number of invoices in a period & mean value of items sold
- Ageing and due balances from AR and AP
- Customer count (filtered by regions)
- Split values on non-posting codes
- Outstanding quotes & open orders
Supported Editions - Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Supported Countries - All countries where Business Central is available
Supported Languages - Czech (Czech Republic), Danish (Denmark), German (all areas), Spanish (Spain and Mexico), Italian, Icelandic, Dutch (Belgium), Finnish (Finland), French (all areas), Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Russian, Swedish and English (all areas)