365-AM Asset Management from Cloud2020

avtor: Cloud2020

365-AM - real-time dynamic Asset Management solution powered by Microsoft Business Applications

365-AM is an asset management application designed by Asset and Facilities Management professionals, built to increase the effectiveness and profitability of any business, through intelligent asset and facilities management.

Developed on the Microsoft Power Platform utilising the PowerApps toolkit, 365 AM applications allows businesses the following functionality:

    • Accountable Board level Dashboards and insight of the entire organisational deployment of any company asset
    • Management Dashboards to help managers deliver their day to day responsibilities for all business activities
    • Power Apps for real-time operational delivery such as Fleet Management, Fire Safety, IT Deployment etc. available on any mobile device
    • Manage Multiple Locations anywhere in the world utilising the Power Platform Power Apps 
    • Track & Monitor Condition & Usage with real time data management to assist you to make informed decisions on Replace or Repair
    • Reliable real-time incident reporting and Asset Management anytime, anywhere
    • Powerful document control including Warranty & Insurance Management
    • Proactive Maintenance Management (Planned and Preventative) with real-time updates
    • Notifications, Reports & Analytics on all Asset Groups

As a result, businesses will benefit from:

    • Reporting and Analytics tailored to each organisational level in the business (Director, Manager and Operations), enabling a more cohesive overview of business performance
    • Reduced maintenance and operational expenditure costs, as well as down time for critical infrastructure as a result of condition-based Asset Management
    • Increased quality and consistency of all business operations, recovery of wasted time and removal of inefficient practices
    • Extended lifecycle of assets, resulting in more productivity and profit
    • Safer working environments
    • Increased levels of business compliance

Click 'Contact Me' to discover how 365-AM can help enhance Asset Management for you, and your customers

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