Secured Signing for Outlook

avtor: Secured Signing

Sign your documents and invite others to sign directly from Outlook

Secured Signing uses a secure cryptographic technology for digital signing that makes it safer than a plain electronic signature.

With Secured Signing for Outlook, you can:

• Speed up time to agreement by sending signing requests directly from Outlook

• Add as many signature boxes and position where signature is required

• Include additional form fields to capture any other information quickly

• Invitees can sign on the go anytime and, on any device

• Get rid of manual process using a complete digital process. You won’t need to print to capture a signature again.

Once the document is complete, a copy of the signed documents will be emailed to you. Secured Signing digital signatures meet digital signature legal standards meaning they are legally binding.

Secured Signing streamlines business processes, cuts back on expenses, expedites delivery cycles, improves staff efficiency and enhances customer service in a green environment.

If you need any help contact us on

Compatibility Information:

Secured Signing for Microsoft Outlook is supported for Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows), Outlook Online.

Secured Signing is the leading digital signature (eSignature) choice for businesses and is trusted by customers in more than 30 countries worldwide. We’ve been around for a long time and have built our solution from the ground up.

Secured Signing Microsoft Outlook relies on Secured Signing, which is subscription-based service.

Zmogljivosti aplikacije

Ko je ta aplikacija v uporabi, lahko
  • Pošilja podatke prek interneta
  • Ta aplikacija ima dovoljenje za branje ali spreminjanje vsebine poljubnega elementa v vašem nabiralniku ter za ustvarjanje novih elementov. V poljubnem sporočilu ali elementu koledarja lahko dostopa do osebnih podatkov, kot so telo, zadeva, pošiljatelj, prejemniki ali priloge. Te podatke lahko pošlje storitvi drugega izdelovalca.

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