Avochato - Two-way SMS Inbox for Teams

avtor: Avochato Inc.

(21 ocene)

Engagement platform to interact directly with prospects, customers, and employees via SMS

Consumers prefer to communicate on messaging platforms, but businesses are typically built on email/phone systems. Avochato's complete solution upgrades enterprises and makes it easy to have back-and-forth conversation between you and your customers, employees, or any stakeholder.

You don’t have to leave Teams to talk to your customers. Avochato conversations display the two-way messaging history between your business and your customers in real-time and can be added to any Teams channel. New conversations will appear the moment someone calls or texts your Avochato number, notifying you within Teams so you can respond immediately. In one click, you can accept an incoming phone call or make an outbound call. Draft and schedule one-to-many Broadcasts to re-engage with hundreds of customers in seconds.

With Avochato and Teams, it’s never been easier to keep conversations moving forward. Team members can access the same conversation simultaneously to provide better support or train new employees on best-practices. Manually or automatically assign conversations to co-workers to stay organized, improve efficiency, and track performance. Avochato’s enhanced automation suite amplifies the power of your team to respond to customers, including:

  • Multi-question Surveys

  • Keyword-activated auto-responses

  • Off-hours messages

  • and Pre-written Message Templates

Join the hundreds of businesses that have upgraded from E-mail to Messaging using Avochato’s secure, easy-to-use, and fully integrated solutions. Avochato is proudly SOC II type-1 compliant, because maintaining the security of your business’ information is our highest priority.

Whether you are a thriving e-commerce business handling thousands of support requests per day, a break-out brand cultivating intimate connections with your loyal fanbase, a hospitality provider tailoring prompt and personalized experiences from booking to check-out, a dispatcher ensuring the thousands of drivers make it from A to B, a medical care coordinator guaranteeing patients are quickly connected to their clinicians, or even a budding start-up where early feedback is critical to attaining product-market fit, Avochato is the solution to bridge the communication gap between your team and your customers.

The Avochato app requires enterprise IT administrator approval to sign up, purchase, and initially configure.

In order to use the Avochato app, a user needs to have an active Avochato account.

Don't have an account? Simply sign-up for a new account by submitting a request to

In order to sign up for a new account, Avochato requires a US non-VOIP mobile number.

Don’t have a US mobile number? Contact

Note: Avochato services many regions but is not available to service all telecommunications providers world-wide. For businesses outside the United States, please contact for availability to your region.

Avochato reserves the right to restrict access to the platform on a case by case basis.

Zmogljivosti aplikacije

Ko je ta aplikacija v uporabi, lahko
  • Pošilja podatke prek interneta
  • Ta aplikacija ima dovoljenje za dostop do osebnih podatkov v aktivnem sporočilu, kot so telefonske številke, poštni naslovi ali naslovi URL. Ta aplikacija lahko pošlje podatke storitvi drugega ponudnika. Drugih elementov v vašem nabiralniku ne more prebrati ali spremeniti.

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