Intento Translator for Outlook

avtor: Intento, Inc.

(1 ocene)

Translate an Outlook email from and to any language instantly with best-fit machine translation.

Intento Translator allows you to instantly translate the contents of an Outlook email from and to any language. This translator is different because it consolidates the power of all existing machine translation engines.

The patented and unique to Intento Smart Routing feature directs your request to the universe of MT engines and chooses one or a combination of those that are most suitable to your content domain or language pair. As a result, you get the most precise translation.

You can also select a machine translation provider manually if this is your preference. Among the MT providers available through Intento are the most popular engines, such as Google (including AutoML), DeepL, Amazon, ModernMT, Baidu, IBM, Microsoft, PROMT, SYSTRAN, Yandex, Youdao, and many more.

With Intento, you get access to all of them at once.

Key benefits:

Stay in Outlook, no need to open a new window

Instead of using just one default machine translation engine, enjoy a variety of choices

Choose any MT provider manually or use the smart routing feature that identifies the best one for you

Get premium translation quality - Intento Translator uses the power of many MT engines

All your data is safe and handled securely

Tailor machine translation output to your needs with glossaries, tone of voice, and more - just contact us for a bespoke solution

To get full access, please register at and contact us for a full license at

Zmogljivosti aplikacije

Ko je ta aplikacija v uporabi, lahko
  • Pošilja podatke prek interneta
  • Ta aplikacija ima dovoljenje za dostop do osebnih podatkov in za spreminjanje osebnih podatkov v aktivnem sporočilu, kot so telo, zadeva, pošiljatelj, prejemniki in podatki prilog. Te podatke lahko pošlje storitvi drugega izdelovalca. Drugih elementov v vašem nabiralniku ne more prebrati ali spremeniti.

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