
avtor: Cisco

(192 ocene)

Make Cisco Voice and video calls from Microsoft Teams with the Jabber App.

Streamline communications and enhance productivity with Cisco Jabber calling integrated into Microsoft Teams. Easily escalate a chat with a co-worker into a rich Cisco video interaction with the click of a button. Use the Cisco dialpad in Microsoft Teams to dial numbers or call SIP addresses. Access all the capability of your Cisco Calling platform from Microsoft Teams.

The Jabber Call application provides access to business-quality voice and video on your desktop using Cisco Jabber powered by the market-leading Cisco® Unified Communications Manager (UCM) call-control solution.

In order to use this application you must have the Cisco Jabber application installed on your Windows or Apple workstation. The Jabber Call app in Microsoft Teams will launch voice and video calls using the Cisco Jabber application.

Install both the Cisco Jabber app with the Cisco Webex Meetings app to have access to both Cisco Calling and Meetings from Microsoft Teams.

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