avtor: Transtec Services
Brochesia is the software solution that allows you to share experiences with other remote workers.
Brochesia is the app that makes the work of operators from the field smarter.
Thanks to the use of Augmented Reality, our solution connects you with people geographically widespread and allow you to share live content and information, using Smart Glasses or smartphone and tablet devices. Sharing skills, expertise and solutions between on-site workers, expert tutors and trainers has never been easier!
Through Brochesia, anyone can activate an audio-video streaming session and share their point of view on the surrounding environment with the remote operator, overlaying the acquired information from the field thanks to the use of Augmented Reality. Collaborate with your colleague and customers during your daily maintenance activity, inspections or to solve a technical problem is now quicker and more effective, always saving your on-site travel time.
Working with your hands free is now possible! With a total freedom of movement you will be able to perform a given task or execute an interactive workflow diagram, visualize instructions, easily generate report, record your working session, and describe your experience with pictures, video streaming, live drawing, instant chat and many other smart features. Brochesia is the best idea to boost your remote support, co-working or training sessions and it is suitable for many different product sectors. This application is also compatible with the most appreciated and common Smart Glasses on the market as well as Android smartphones and tablets.
Furthermore, all the contents created with the Brochesia app can be uploaded and stored within the fully integrated Brochesia Cloud.
To use the Brochesia app you need to activate an account.
Please follow these steps:
- Download the Brochesia app;
- Once downloaded, contact us at, indicating your name, surname and email address;
- We will promptly enable an account on our Web Portal to communicate and interact through this app;
- Finally, you will receive an e-mail with all the necessary further instructions.
Once the setup is completed, you will discover all the benefits in the different use case scenarios!
Zmogljivosti aplikacije
- Pošilja podatke prek interneta
- Ta aplikacija ima dovoljenje za dostop do osebnih podatkov v aktivnem sporočilu, kot so telefonske številke, poštni naslovi ali naslovi URL. Ta aplikacija lahko pošlje podatke storitvi drugega ponudnika. Drugih elementov v vašem nabiralniku ne more prebrati ali spremeniti.