Profile Status HBM


Show the completion status of users Microsoft Delve Profile properties to the current user

A good network of people requires Microsoft Delve profiles to be filled out

Use the Profile Status HBM WebPart to show how complete the profile fields are for the registered user

What can you configure

  • Choose your default profile fields
  • Use your self-created profile fields from the SharePoint profile service
  • Three layouts based on the SharePoint theme are available
  • You can color the status bar or circle
  • Use Gamification with colored achievement
  • Hide WebPart on 100%


You can use the WebPart for free. The range of functions of the free version is limited to the number of profile properties displayed or if you use the json interface. The number is two properties.
If you exceed this number, a license warning is shown.

The app offers app-in purchases so you can switch to our premium version and disable the license warning.

To do this, contact our support (the links are linked in our app - in webpart properties page two)
