Domo for Office

avtor: Domo

(6 ocene)

Bring Domo's modern BI capabilities into your everyday workspace.

Domo for Microsoft Office provides a direct connection to Domo’s modern BI capabilities from your everyday workspace without compromising the familiar interfaces of both Microsoft Office products and Domo. This direct connection allows you to embed Domo cards and datasets into your Office content from within your Office programs. Live data syncing provides assurance that your data is always up to date to accurately inform business decisions. Additionally, easily create new datasets or update existing data in Domo directly from Excel.

Ease of use

Domo will live in the top navigation of your Microsoft Office Suite. The sidebar will give users access to their Domo dashboards, cards, and datasets. Easily search through your Domo content, select the content you want to embed in your Office documents, and apply filters to display your desired visuals.

Enhance data usage

The data you collect provides incredible value and insight into your business and customers. Domo for Microsoft Office allows you to organize data, create visuals in Domo, and transform, display, and share that data within the programs you have become accustomed to.

Increase efficiency

Avoid the needless effort of taking screenshots of visuals to include in your Office content or needing to recreate new charts just to display in PowerPoint or other documents. Easily embed your Domo content directly from within Office! Embedded visuals will always remain up to date. Users can include “last refreshed” and “last run time” labels to always ensure, at a glance, that their data is current.

Keep your data together

Maintain all of your data in one place by easily importing new Excel datasets or existing Domo datasets that have been edited in Excel sheets back to Domo, without navigating out of Excel.

Available on Mac, PC, and Office 365. Utilize a single add-in to gain access to Domo from Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Outlook.

For details about the Outlook add-in, search Domo for Outlook in the AppSource.

  • Embed Domo Cards and Datasets in your Office documents
  • Configure content to be static and manually refreshed, or use live data
  • Have Buzz conversations directly from your open documents
  • Create and update Domo projects & tasks
  • Add new data to Domo, or update existing Datasets
  • Apply whole level document filters or configure individual filters for each Domo object you include in your documents

Zmogljivosti aplikacije

Ko je ta aplikacija v uporabi, lahko
  • Bere vsebino dokumenta in ga spreminja
  • Pošilja podatke prek interneta

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