Rowsie AI

avtor: Rowsie AI

(4 ocene)

Rowsie is your AI assistant for Excel modeling

Rowsie helps you understand, build, and update your models with ease. It’s like having an expert business analyst pairing with you at all times, but right within Excel.

Rowsie gives you Excel superpowers:

  • Understand Your Excel Models Effortlessly: Ask Rowsie anything about your spreadsheets, from explaining model logic to deciphering complex formulas
  • Build Excel Models with Ease: Rowsie helps you craft formulas, clean up formatting, and even build new models from scratch
  • Supercharge Your Excel Workflows: No new tools to learn - Rowsie works directly within Microsoft Excel and is just there when you need her

Spend your time driving insights, not debugging formulas.

Zmogljivosti aplikacije

Ko je ta aplikacija v uporabi, lahko
  • Bere vsebino dokumenta in ga spreminja
  • Pošilja podatke prek interneta

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