SimTutor for PowerPoint

avtor: SimTutor Inc.

Develop hands-on skills with interactive simulations that can be embedded directly into PowerPoints.

Learn by Doing

Virtual simulations allow learners to explore, learn, and grow anytime and anywhere. Modernize your training program and power up your PowerPoints with interactive simulations embedded directly in your existing slides.

  • Risk-Free Training: Learners can practice as many times as they need to, no matter where they are. 
  • Build Muscle Memory: Students aren’t just practicing, they’re building real skills. By engaging in immersive simulations in which they’re actively making decisions, learners can bridge the gap between theory and practice.
  • Quickly Upgrade Your Training: Simulations can be easily embedded into any PowerPoint to turn passive knowledge absorption into active learning.

Contact us today to learn how you can begin your monthly subscription to use SimTutor for PowerPoint to take your training to the next level. 

Zmogljivosti aplikacije

Ko je ta aplikacija v uporabi, lahko
  • Bere vsebino dokumenta in ga spreminja
  • Pošilja podatke prek interneta

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