
avtor: OBP AI Technologies LLP

AI-driven contract review tool that allows you to create, edit and run simple English playbooks

HumblePaper accelerates contract redlining in Microsoft Word.

Harness the power of AI with HumblePaper, the ultimate Word add-in designed for legal professionals, business teams, bankers, and sales experts involved in transactional operations. HumblePaper streamlines the contract creation, review, and analysis process, enabling users to efficiently navigate complex negotiations and document finalization directly within Microsoft Word.

Core Features:

Playbook Integration: Utilize private and public playbooks to apply rules seamlessly to your contracts. Create and customize your own playbooks, share them internally, or publish them for external use, monetizing your expertise or accessing a broader knowledge base.

Smart Analysis: Our AI-driven backend scrutinizes contracts for key risks and ensures compliance with your customized guidelines, suggesting edits and comments just like a manual reviewer.

Interactive Interface: A user-friendly sidebar task pane transforms your Word environment into a dynamic contract review platform, complete with direct edits and annotations.

The addin is available as a free tool with limited usage. To upgrade to a paid version, please contact Please include the number of seats (individual user licenses) required and the expected volume of usage per month (or year).

Zmogljivosti aplikacije

Ko je ta aplikacija v uporabi, lahko
  • Bere vsebino dokumenta in ga spreminja
  • Pošilja podatke prek interneta

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