Fluxx Add-in for Excel

avtor: Fluxx

Combine the powers of Fluxx and Excel

Use this add-in when you want to leverage the power of Excel to slice and dice your Fluxx Grantmaker data.

With the Fluxx Add-in for Excel, you can:

  • Utilize Fluxx Grantmaker data within Excel - create pivot tables, leverage VLOOKUP, generate visualizations, and more
  • Create new and customize existing report templates
  • Upload templates you create in Excel to Fluxx Grantmaker

Note: Use of this add-in requires a current Fluxx Grantmaker subscription.

Zmogljivosti aplikacije

Ko je ta aplikacija v uporabi, lahko
  • Bere vsebino dokumenta in ga spreminja
  • Pošilja podatke prek interneta

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