Idea collaboration for Wazoku
avtor: Wazoku
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Engage with ideas in Wazoku’s idea management platform directly from Outlook
Wazoku, a leading crowdsourcing company, provides the Wazoku Outlook Add-in as a complement to your Idea Spotlight platform. With the Wazoku Outlook Add-in seamlessly view ideas directly in the Outlook reading pane, and vote and submit comments on those ideas so your voice is heard.
To use the Wazoku Outlook Add-in, your organisation must have purchased the Idea Spotlight platform. For more information about Wazoku’s Idea Spotlight platform, please visit
Zmogljivosti aplikacije
Ko je ta aplikacija v uporabi, lahko
- Pošilja podatke prek interneta
- Ta aplikacija ima dovoljenje za dostop do osebnih podatkov in za spreminjanje osebnih podatkov v aktivnem sporočilu, kot so telo, zadeva, pošiljatelj, prejemniki in podatki prilog. Te podatke lahko pošlje storitvi drugega izdelovalca. Drugih elementov v vašem nabiralniku ne more prebrati ali spremeniti.
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Druge aplikacije s seznama Wazoku
Idea Collaboration for Wazoku in OfficeWazokuSeamlessly attach documents to your ideas in Wazoku’s idea management platform
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Wazoku - collaborate on great ideasWazokuCapture, develop and select the best ideas to address your business challenges.
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