Explore Set Intersection using Venn or Euler Diagrams
Venn diagrams are a common way to show set overlaps between sets. For up to *five* sets, they give a good overview how sets are overlapping. Euler diagrams are a variant in which the area of the overlap corresponds to the amount itself. An alternative more scalable version for more sets is available as "Ultimate UpSet Plot". This is an interactive Venn Diagram implementation based on UpSet.js ( More information can be found at
Common use cases:
* Customer segmentation in which one customer belongs to multiple groups/communities
* HR candidate evaluation in which a candidate has multiple skills
* Advertising channel evaluation
* everywhere in which someone fills out a multiple choice form field, like: "How have you heard from us?"
License Note:
Basic Features are free. However, once advanced features are used a watermark will appear. Reverting the advanced setting or removing the extra set will remove the watermark again. To permanently remove the watermark, you can request a trial license from upsetjs@sgratzl or visit for order options.
Are you missing something in this visual? Have you found a bug or wish a new feature would exist? Just get in touch with me through
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