The Analyzer - 360° weclapp Reporting
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Business Intelligence add-on for weclapp
The Analyzer offers a 360 degree view on your weclapp data. Whether CRM, sales, warehousing or purchase, The Analyzer suits as your central place for everything regarding monitoring and analysis. All you need is a Cloud ERP Trade or Cloud ERP Services instance of weclapp.
This Power BI app lets you start into data-driven decision making by providing a comprehensive standard report as well as the possibility to do self-service analyses without the need of extensive IT know-how. In addition, it not only gives you the possbility to segment your customers based on their order history but also data exports from multiple entities are easier than ever.
You also get the option to build your own report, extend the given analyses by individual logic stored in your weclapp tenant such as custom fields or article categories or even extend the logic by your own data (e.g. onlineshop).
For full access to the app you can subscribe to one of our licenses here:
After subscribing to one of our licenses you can use the e-mail address you registered with on as a parameter under "PasswordForFullAccess" to activate The Analyzer.
This application is available in German language.
This Power BI app lets you start into data-driven decision making by providing a comprehensive standard report as well as the possibility to do self-service analyses without the need of extensive IT know-how. In addition, it not only gives you the possbility to segment your customers based on their order history but also data exports from multiple entities are easier than ever.
You also get the option to build your own report, extend the given analyses by individual logic stored in your weclapp tenant such as custom fields or article categories or even extend the logic by your own data (e.g. onlineshop).
For full access to the app you can subscribe to one of our licenses here:
After subscribing to one of our licenses you can use the e-mail address you registered with on as a parameter under "PasswordForFullAccess" to activate The Analyzer.
This application is available in German language.
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