
avtor: Organimi

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Create, print and share your organizational chart with Organimi's org chart software.

Looking to organize your workplace structure in a simple, easy to use, org chart? Are you tired of using non-org chart solutions to map out your organization? Organimi’s focus is making the best purpose built org chart software on the market.

Organimi is a powerful tool that allows you create an organizational chart in minutes. You can do so much with Organimi, including:

  • Create an org chart from an existing template or from scratch!
  • Integrate with Microsoft ActiveDirectory, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Teams and Gsuite or any other system that provides a CSV or Excel output
  • Share via a public URL link, private email invitation or embedding it on your website
  • Export your chart to a PDF or PNG to bring to company meetings
  • Print the whole chart or specific subsections of your chart on 60 different paper sizes
  • Custom Fields feature allows you to add customized text to any role card
  • Add photos to jazz up your chart and show each member from your organization
  • Use the Smart Chart Legend™ to visualize information on your chart with badges or colors
  • Our Colour Coding feature allows you to colour code a section of your chart, a member, or a department for quick visual representation your organization
  • Move around roles and members by using the Drag & Drop feature
  • Connect LinkedIn profiles to role cards so everyone in your organization stays connected

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