COVID Vaccine Pre Screening and Booking Assistant

avtor: Praktice Inc

COVID Vaccination Assistant by PrakticeAI to scale your health system's COVID Vaccine administration

COVID Vaccination Assistant by Praktice.AI to automate vaccine queries, pre-qualify individuals, and facilitate deployment in direct alignment with phased or prioritized availability. 

With the Pfizer vaccine, FDA approved and already being distributed, and Moderna’s vaccine recently granted Emergency Use Authorization, health systems are looking for virtual assistants to build an infrastructure to efficiently manage each stage of the rollout.

Praktice Vaccine Assistant virtually guides patients through the entire pre- and post-vaccination process, from screening to scheduling and proactive follow-ups, to alert patients about eligibility and monitor potential side effects. The solution helps health systems pre-qualify individuals and facilitate deployment in direct alignment with phased or prioritized availability. It adapts to each provider’s changing requirements over the course of the vaccine rollout.

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