avtor: AIRIA
Apply Intelligence to Physical Spaces
AIRIA creates a real-time situational overview of the movement of people in dynamic environments
AIRIA is a self-learning Data Analytics software platform that anonymously analyzes & visualizes the continuous distribution of people, and associated trends, within designated spaces. The AI-powered geospatial tool's intelligence, interoperability, and intuitive dashboard make it a tool that can provide immediate value to a variety of stakeholders within Connected Communities, such as Public Safety Stakeholders, First Responders, Private Sector Partners and Supporting Government Organizations.
AIRIA ( is a software tool that helps you make your physical spaces smart, safe & sustainable –
- Smart – AIRIA uses AI to analyze ever-changing occupancy patterns across all areas of your facility with minimal cost and deployment effort. We use your existing WiFi system.
- Safe – AIRIA provides safety and security teams real-time information about the location of people, aiding evacuations and security personnel deployment in response to active threats.
- Sustainable – AIRIA's facility occupancy monitoring can reduce energy utilization and costs by 10-40 percent.
AIRIA supports dynamic decision making by leveraging visualizations and data-driven, actionable insights. The playback features and predictive analytics provide decision makers with the information they need to execute with confidence.
- Occupancy Trends
- Spending Optimization
- Continuous Automation & Analysis
- Inbuilt Executive Reporting
- Audit Capability
AIRIA helps teams create security policies and procedures by using dynamic insights, connecting past events with real time security operations. Operators can view their environment to see exactly where people are within their facilities, gaining comprehensive situational awareness.
- Birds-Eye-View Heatmap
- Cross-Team Collaboration
- Intel In The Moment Of Need
- Compliments CCTV & Access Control
- Alerts With Prioritization & Rank Of Importance
The AIRIA team has been researching the Spatial Analytics market for nearly a decade. We come from backgrounds in AI enterprise software, Solution Architecture, Cyber Security and IT/Network infrastructure. Our team is supported by a wide array of technical partners throughout the United States and Europe, including advisors with domain expertise spanning Government Security, Legal, AI and Academia.
- FAR Compliant
- GSA Listing (pending final review)
- Carahsoft Vendor & Partner
- All Team Members Reside Within North America
- SAM.Gov And New UEI Number Registered
- Eligible For Small Business Set Aside & Mentor-Protégé Opportunities