Two Days of Hands-on PowerApps Overview & Training from a partner with actual Large-scale PowerApp Implementations (Government ,Oil & Gas)
Advancya brings to the table an approach of More-Experience/Less-Theory by relying on our significant experience in being one of the very few MS partners globally, who have actual hands-on experience working on complex PowerApps project for Government and Oil & Gas clients, in delivering Complex Line-Of-Business applications and not just your average "hello-world" basic apps.
Our team leader will give you the Do's & Dont's of working with PowerApps, what it can do best, and most importantly, setting your expectations towards what it Can deliver in a great way, and what it's promised to deliver in the future, so you can set your ducks in a row and know how to plan for your business!
Our workshop will include:
Feel free to get in touch for more information, join us soon!