Dynamics for Charities - 1 Hour Assessment


When running and managing a charity or not-for-profit operation you need to have the right Microsoft Business solutions in place.

Not-for-Profit and Charities have very different needs compared to other industries and the cause they support. With an NFP or Charity Relationship Management is key to ensuring you meet your goals and objectives.

With our extensive experience with Charities and our understanding of your unique needs we have been able to create Advantage Add On: CRM For NFP’s solution to get you the best results.

Through our solution you can easily manage your:

Permissions and Consents / Campaign Management / Donations and Income / Processing / Legacy Management /Gift Aid and Tax Efficient Giving / Profile your Major Donors

On our FREE 1 Hour assessment we will discuss your Business Requirements and Processes and identify the pain points in your business.

This will enable us to identify the Dynamics solutions that will meet your business needs and solve your pain points. We will breakdown the ways that it will improve your business and identify high level figures and time scale for an implementation.

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