Power BI Data Gov & Security: 2-Wk Assessment

Collectiv LLC

Power BI is being used across your organization. Everybody is doing their own thing in their own way (the wild west). Now you need some checks, balances and what we call “Controlled Empowerment”

“Taming the runaway success of Microsoft Power BI, for the enterprise”

The ease of use of Power BI can sometimes be the double edge sword. How do you make sure people are using the correct data and measures? Do you have a properly documented data strategy? How can you have enterprise-grade security and governance in Power BI?

These are just some of the concerns that are addressed during the Collectiv Power BI Data, Governance & Security Assessment.

Our experts will work with both IT and the business to workshop, vision, document and recommend a best practice solution for your current and future-facing enterprise needs.

Power BI Data, Governance & Security Assessment (is a module of the Collectiv Visioning Program) that has been developed utilizing industry best practices combined with real-life project experience.

The Visioning program has been designed to mitigate risk, by arming our clients with unparalleled insight and foresight for their Power BI journey. With hundreds of successful projects, our process has been honed to vision, disseminate and document a robust yet flexible framework and actionable best practice to drive success with your enterprise data strategy with Power BI.

The Power BI Data, Governance & Security Assessment will Discover, Define, Document & Deploy critical elements, including your:

  • Data Dictionary
  • Report Catalog
  • Measure Dictionary
  • Governance, Standards & Security Policy

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