Business Central Start-up Training: 12-Wk Workshop

ERPgruppen A/S

A training coordinator will create a 12 weeks training plan for each of your employees to make sure they get the right start-up training in Dynamics 365 Business Central matching job and needs.

During the 12 weeks employees will gain knowledge and training on how to navigate and work in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. A personal training plan will be created for each employee.

You get access to 'Vidensportalen'; the online training portal with training and inspiration for Dynamics 365 Business Central.


  • Helping your organization get the right start-up training in Dynamics 365 Business Central
  • Creating a personal training plan for each employee
  • Educating your employees on the capabilities of Dynamics 365 Business Central
  • Connecting your organization with a personal training coordinator
  • Evaluating and recommending additional training if necessary

Week 1: Defining needs and training plan

The training coordinator will define your situation and need for training and create a personal training plan for each employee.

Weeks 2-11: Training and follow up

Training starts with an online introduction to Dynamics 365 Business Central. Afterwards employees will follow their individual training plan with recommended live webinars, video guides and user guides. The coordinator will follow up on employees and their training during the process.

Week 12: Evaluation

The training coordinator will evaluate the progress and see if more training is needed after the 12 weeks.


  • A personal training plan for each employee
  • Employees will quickly learn how to use and navigate Dynamics 365 Business Central
  • Employees will quickly feel comfortable and satisfied with the program
  • Employees will easily know what training to attend, where to start and where to find the training when needed
  • Employees will primarily get training online – easy access and no time/costs for transport
  • The company will get a good overview of the need and expenses for training

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Visit (Danish) The price is DKK 3.000 + 100 per user. (Additional purchase of Serviceplan 365).

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