Teams Light ACM - 6 weeks assessment

SPAN d.d.

Microsoft Teams Light Adoption and Change Management services within 6 weeks efficiently prepare employees for using Microsoft 365 services.

The introduction of Microsoft 365 services gives a certain automatic value to each organization, but most often the implementation of Microsoft 365 tools and application is carried out from the technical side, and the rest of the education and implementation of the new way of working is left to employees. Our project approach is focused on assessment organizational way of working and create specific business scenarios and trainings to show how Microsoft 365 suite can be used to overcome daily business challenges with goal of smooth transition to modern workplace.

Benefits: • Quickly identify and build Teams tailored to the needs of your organization and employees • Deploy Teams, engage and train up to one hundred selected users who will be empowered to share knowledge throughout the organization • Train your users with education sessions that best suit their needs • Receive support and monitoring of use case implementation and adoption reports

Agenda: DISCOVER (2 weeks)

  • Identify project team and develop strategy and establish shared mission
  • Create suitable business scenarios (up to 10)
  • Prepare platform for project execution PREPARE AND LAUNCH (2 weeks)
  • Define roles and responsibilities of power users
  • Help users in successful adoption of platform with approach based on business scenarios
  • Efficiently support communication strategy ENGAGE AND DRIVE VALUE (2 weeks)
  • Develop proper training strategy for end-users
  • Monitor business scenarios execution
  • Drive value of end-users through support
  • Collect customer feedback along project closure


  • Identify power users and assignments
  • Map business Scenarios
  • Create Power User Guide through Teams
  • Define Communication plan – examples and time plan
  • Deploy Teams per business scenario

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