Microsoft Viva Platform: 1 day Workshop

SPAN d.d.

With this workshop we will help you to understand how to deal with burn out risks, explore knowledge in new ways. To stay connected and productive utilizing Viva solution in Teams.

In this workshop, we will show you how employees can be more productive and connected with Microsoft Viva platform. How to mitigate burnout risks and extend knowledge and information sharing via Microsoft Teams. Develop a high-level solution plan.


  • Presenting the possibilities of Microsoft Viva Platform - For the start we will show you the possibilities of each of the modules (Insights, Connections, Topics, and Learnings) and use cases for employees. As a result, you have an idea of which tools and use cases would be applicable in your company.


  • Identifying what needs to be improved - we will determine what are employees needs, what technology and tools they use, how do they communicate with others from the organization, and get information.


  • Presenting the results - after we collect the valuable data, we will create and present to you Solution plan for your specific business needs and recommend the next steps for the digital transformation of your company and implementation of Microsoft Viva Platform.


  • Find business scenarios that can help you to connect ​your workforce and utilize Microsoft Viva Platform
  • Develop a solution and implementation plan according to your business needs


  • Solution plan – high-level plan based on current business needs
  • Three most valuable use cases with mapped Microsoft Viva solutions
  • Quick guide for Microsoft Viva modules like Connections, Insights, Topics and Learnings

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