Advanced Sales & Purchase
av KTC - Karlsruhe Technology Consulting GmbH
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Advanced Sales & Purchas - Advanced sales and purchasing features for Business Central
Advanced Sales & Purchase | Erweiterte Verkaufs- und Einkaufsfunktionen
Erweitern Sie Ihre Verkaufs- und Einkaufsbelege um essenzielle Funktionalitäten wie:
- 22 fertige Einkaufs- und Verkaufsbelege
- Kurztext und Langtext in den Belegen mit Rich Text Editor
- Positionsnummerierung, Eventualpositionen, Bedarfspositionen
- Artikelbundel inkl. Dimensionsübernahme der Komponenten und des Bundles
- Individuelle, mehrsprachige Vor- und Nachtexte
- Zwischensummen, Preise nicht drucken
- Belegbezeichnung um Angebote, Aufträge schnell zu finden
- Ermitteln des Gesamtgewichtes der Artikel pro Beleg
Kostenfreier Testzeitraum: 1 Monat
Kompetent - Ehrlich – Zuverlässig
Advanced Sales & Purchase | Advanced sales and purchasing features
Enhance your sales and purchase documents with essential functionalities like:- 22 ready to use purchase and sales documents
- Short text and long text in the documents with Rich Text Editor.
- Item numbering, contingent items, requirement items
- Article bundle incl. dimension transfer of the components and the bundle
- Individual, multilingual pre- and post-texts
- Subtotals, do not print prices
- Document description to quickly find offers, orders
- Determine the total weight of items per document
Advanced Sales & Purchase makes sophisticated sales and purchase documents a breeze, this app fully integrates with the KTC App product family but also works standalone.
Free trial period: 1 month
Competent - Honest - Reliable
Test Period: Free test period: 1 month
Supported Editions: The app supports the Essentials and Premium Editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Supported Countries: All Countries.
Supported Languages: This app
is available in English (United States), German (Deutschland, Österreich
and Schweiz), Italian (Italy), French (France), Dutch (Netherlands),
Spanish (Spain), Polish (Poland) and Portuguese (Portugal).
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