Highspot for Outlook

av Highspot, Inc.

(1003 omdömen)

Highspot reinvented the legacy sales content portal with a modern approach that reps love and sales

Highspot customers can enable customer-facing teams with the full powerful functionality of Highspot’s AI search, intelligent content discovery, and engagement analytics directly in their Outlook workflow.

  • UNIFY BRAND AND MESSAGE: Empower sellers to land product value and market differentiation consistently along every step of the customer journey with Highspot content and guidance directly in their email workflow.
  • MAXIMIZE REP CONSISTENCY AND SALES EFFICIENCY: Equip reps with seamless access to the right knowledge and resources for every email to maximize sales productivity.
  • GET POWERFUL INSIGHTS INTO WHAT WORKS: Quantify best practices and customer engagement and amplify success across your entire organization.


  • Highspot license and account
  • Email account on Office 365 ver >= 16.0.11629
  • Outlook, Outlook for Mac, or Outlook on the web


När den här appen används
  • Skicka data via Internet
  • Den här appen kan läsa och ändra innehållet i vilket objekt som helst i din inkorg, och det kan skapa nya objekt. Den har tillgång till personlig information, t.ex. brödtext, ämne, avsändare, mottagare och bilagor, i alla meddelande- och kalenderobjekt. Den kan skicka dessa data till en tjänst från tredje part.

En snabbtitt