Leave Request for Outlook
Request, track, approve and manage the requested. Easy to use, configured, and very flexible
The Leave Request for Outlook is a part of the Leave Request Pro add-in in SharePoint online (https://appsource.microsoft.com/en-us/product/office/WA104380880?tab=Overview)
It is a system that supports end-users to request time off in your organization & allows the admin defines the system without code. It allows for creating a custom form and designing the workflow and you can change anything in the system for consistent with your organization. End users easy to create & manage the request. It provides all information to help the manager makes the approval. All data of the add-in saves on your SharePoint site.
Key Features of the add-in:
Support multi-platform Microsoft SharePoint, Teams & Outlook.
• Allow requesting, approve, reject or cancel the request.
• Ability to approve multi requests at the same time.
• Allow automatic calculation on the number of days (Including public holidays & weekends).
• Allow an automatic set of the approver(manager) when creating the request.
• Allow set up employee’s leave balance.
• Support fiscal year.
• Translation feature.
• Allow adding attachment files to the request.
• Create unlimited stages of the workflow.
• Track the information process of the workflow.
• Ability to submit a leave request on behalf of the employee.
• The administration(or admin) can delete/cancel the request.
• Allows changing the date-time format.
• Automatic e-mail notifications of requests, approvals, and rejections.
• Edit the e-mail template for e-mail notifications.
• Customize the navigation. Allows restricting users who can see the report, setting, ... pages.
• Design a custom request form consistent with your organization. Allows add, edit, and delete any custom field in the form.
• Define the workflow in your organization. You can choose: who is 'assign to' person? which is the next step? Which step can edit data in the 'Request' form?
• Support the balance/taken report for employees.
• Export to Word, Excel, and print data (Supports Chrome, Firefox).
If you have any questions or issue, please feel free to contact us via email: support@ltaddins.com
- FAQs
Others app
- Skicka data via Internet
- Den här appen har åtkomst till personlig information för det aktiva meddelandet, t.ex. avsändarens namn, mottagarnas namn, e-postadresser, brödtext och bifogad information. Appen kan skicka dessa data till en tjänst från tredje part. Den kan inte läsa eller ändra andra objekt i din inkorg.