InTouch for Outlook
av Click 19 Ltd T/A InTouch
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Attach emails directly from Outlook to the relevant matter on InTouch.
Using the InTouch add-in you can now streamline the process of attaching emails from Outlook to their InTouch matter. With just a few clicks you can select an email and upload its contents and attachments straight to the matter!
Furthermore, we have made it easier than ever to compose new emails; using the add-in you can select relevant stakeholders and files on a matter and attach them to an email without ever leaving Outlook. Sent emails created using the add-in will also automatically attach themselves to the relevant matter.
To use this add-in you are required have already signed up to use InTouch's Platform.
När den här appen används
- Skicka data via Internet
- Den här appen har åtkomst till personlig information för det aktiva meddelandet, t.ex. brödtext, avsändare, mottagare och bifogad information. Den kan skicka dessa data till en tjänst från tredje part. Den kan inte läsa eller ändra andra objekt i din inkorg.
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