Icon Map

av James Dales

(13 omdömen)
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Flexible maps - place images, circles, lines, GeoJSON layers and well-known text shapes.

Icon Map is a flexible map visual for Power BI providing an extensive set of features including: Background layers: - A choice of raster background layers including custom URLs that can be configured using Power BI measures - Overlay additional transparent layers onto your map, including support for WMS layers - Support for vector tiles Map Objects: - Circles - Lines - Images - Well Known Text (WKT) shapes including line strings, points and polygons held in your Power BI dataset Vector layers: - GeoJSON layers hosted on an external server - Vector tiles With support for text labels, drill down, drill through, report page tooltips and extensive customization using expression based formatting

Visuella funktioner

När det här visuella objektet används kan det
  • Kan komma åt externa tjänster eller resurser

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