Predica Cargo Management

av Predica

Digital Transformation of the logistics industry! Lower costs & ship your cargo more efficiently!

By analyzing many projects, realized for our customers, we discovered that the logistics industry has invariant problems. Shipment costs of the cargo are too high, frequently and unexpected delays occur, and it is hard to track containers and packages with acceptable accuracy. Predica solution – Cargo Management – can solve those problems. We developed a customized, integrated system that gathers information on shipment localization and potential obstacles. All that makes it easy to plan an alternative route. We also made the cargo management process fully automatic.Data processing happens in real time, thanks to Azure cloud technology. Information where exactly is the cargo and automated alerts ensure full control of logistics processes and give also chance to offload some of the delay management costs. Released resources can be directed to other areas. That allows to save time and reduce costs.

Get instant information about:

  • the precise location of your cargo on an interactive map
  • expected time of arrival for any shipment

Receive automated alerts about:

  • potential obstacles or delays based on weather and news reports
  • delays that can be predicted ahead of time causing minimal disruption

Plan an alternative routing:

  • with the help of Cargo Management Solution
  • as a fully automated process, based on data

Using full force of the cloud means:

  • Scale instantly depending on demand
  • No need for physical infrastructure means no operation or maintenance costs

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