Transforming meeting spaces with Teams Rooms: 3-Day Workshop


“Art of the possible” workshop showcasing the features of Teams Rooms.

Join us for this transformative 3-day workshop to explore the full potential of Teams Rooms where we delve into the art-of-the-possible, exploring the evolution of meetings and the innovative technologies and solutions that cater to our meeting needs within the hybrid working environment.

The agenda of the workshop is as follows:

Day 1: Kick-off Meeting / Pre-engagement Questionnaire

  • Gathering of information on current environment and meeting room landscape
  • Rundown of the scope of the workshop

Day 2: Art of the Possible

  • Overview of Microsoft Teams Rooms and its advanced capabilities delivering meeting equity in our hybrid working environments
  • Demonstration of management capabilities in the Teams Admin Center and Pro Management Portal
  • Interoperability - Cloud Video Interop and Direct Guest Join
  • Security and deployment best practices

Day 3: Planning for the Future

  • Use case evaluation and considerations for adoption and deployment off Teams Rooms


  • Comprehensive understanding of Teams Rooms capabilities
  • Enhanced productivity and collaboration
  • Customized solutions for your organization
  • Unleash the full power of Teams Rooms to transform collaboration.

Upon completion of the workshop AVI-SPL will share a workshop summary document, outlining the workshop objectives, key takeaways and next steps.
