AgriERP is a top-of-the-line ERP solution for Agriculture, Food, Livestock and Fresh Produce Companies.
AgriERP is a leading smart Farm Management Solution, powered by Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain, for keeping track of your produce, making effective decisions, and increasing efficiency of your day-to-day operations.
AgriERP is a complete ERP solution for the agriculture industry providing end-to-end transformation of crop planning to harvest and to the production lifecycle of crops.
AgriERP entails the following functions, modules, and applications to create an end-to-end agriculture solution:
FARM âĒ Farm Dashboard (Map) âĒ Plantation Management âĒ Land Parcel Management âĒ Soil Sampling âĒ Soil Preparation/Soil Bed âĒ Planning Activities âĒ Harvest Activities
CROP âĒ Crop/Season Planning âĒ Crop/Season Management âĒ Crop Protection âĒ Crop/Season Activity/Operations âĒ Crop Forecasting âĒ Fertilizer applications âĒ Pesticide applications
PACK âĒ Pack Ahead Planning âĒ Pack Management âĒ Deport Date Management âĒ Production Forecasting âĒ Live Production Performance âĒ Streamlined Production (Grading/Packing) âĒ Label Room
SHIP âĒ Storage Management âĒ Transport Management âĒ Load Management âĒ Pallet Cross-Referencing âĒ Consignment Trading âĒ Consignment Traceability
âĒ Detailed Fit/Gap Analysis Worksheet âĒ Solution Design Document âĒ Project Plan - Road Map âĒ Project Estimations â Commercials âĒ Implementation Folio3's AgriERP solution powered by Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain. âĒ Implementation and Configuration of Folio3's Farm App for Field Operations - For Planning, Harvest and Production âĒ Customizing the solution as per client needs âĒ Go-live review and post go-live check and solution training
Pricing: The pricing is based on the deliverables and the customizations, modules and applications that are required by the customer.
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